I am living in a FEMA trailer in front of my home in Lakeview. I am the only person on my block; the houses around me have either been torn down or nothing has happened with them. No one has begun rebuilding on my street. The longer the renovation of my house has gone on (first floor got 8 1/2 feet of water), the more I hate my home, which was a dream house for me when I bought it in 1994. I now don\'t like going inside it as the lack of progress over the last 4 months is too depressing. I have no intention of leaving Lakeview, but at this point I could happily stay in the trailer forever. I think this is a protection against the underlying anxiety that my home will flood again. So, I am buying a second floor condo in Lakeview - it will be my security against another flood. I may give up on my house, but I won\'t give up on my neighborhood or New Orleans!


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/11424.