A year after Katrina the streets in New Orleans are still close. There are still many streets with no people living there. Many stores yet to be opened, some of them never will again. Many schools are still not opened. Too many people have not returned home. \r\n One big difference that just came to mind is the wage that fastfood restaurant are paying now and what they were paying before. It\'s incredible. You were lucky to got six dollars before Katrina and now these people are getting paid much more than other workers.\r\n It\'s been over a year after Katrina and things are not veven half way back to normal. It is somehow unbeleivable how long this is taking. Maybe in five years things will be back to normal. I just hope another hurricane doesn\'t hit before that time comes.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/12126.