Hearing the news of Hurricane Katrina I was irritated for all the stupid mistakes the government had done and sad for the many people who had to suffer and die. \r\nThere were thousands of people stranded for days at certain locations like the Superdome and the New Orleans convention center. People were dehydrating, they didn\'t offer them water nor ice, many news camera would focus in at the people and you can hear them pleading and yelling for help. The state and the city officials ordered a mandatory evacuation 19 hours before land fall. I don\'t understand why it would take them that long to order a mandatory evacuation it should\'ve been one of their first objective. Not only that but Governor Blanco waited after the storm to hit to ask FEMA for buses which arrived 4 days after land fall. I think FEMA had only one official inside the New Orleans command post, Michael Brown the Chief of FEMA who was going back and fourth from Katrina was telling the press everything was fine and that their plans were effective. As you could see they weren\'t. \r\nEven though Katrina was an act of nature, the damage that occurred could have been lower, and the number of victims could have been a lot lower if those people in charge had done their job. \r\n\r\n


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/12188.