I am still in need of my home to be\r\nrepaired. As I look around in the mobile park I live in and notice all the homes that have been damaged by Hurricane Wilma they all have been repaired and look brand new. I can\'t help my eyes still fill up with tears.\r\nThe day after Hurricane Wilma hit, the Major of Pembroke Park, came to my\r\nmobile home and declared my mobile home hazardous to live in. He ask me if I had anywhere to stay while FEMMA repairs the damaged. Since I am 100% disabled, no family, and I suffer from cronic pain due to spinal cord injuries from a very bad auto accident. I did not want to leave my home. Worried about looters invading my home. Not knowing how long it was going to take to rebuild my home I decided it was better to wait until FEMMA arrived. When FEMMA arrived and looked at all the damages they decided for me to put in for a S.B.A. loan since I did not have any home insurance. I just started my e-commerce business and when FEMMA noticed my office at home they explained how S.B.A. helps people get back on their feet with a 30year low interest loan. Three times I resummitted my application to S.B.A. three times I have been denied. They would call me back and tell me how they regret that my application was denied due to the fact my online business is brand new. It was suggested to resumit an application with FEMMA. I have sent e-mails to HUD, FEMMA, A.D.A., S.B.A. whatever web sites to help Hurricane victims. As of today my home has not been touched. When there is just a little storm my home the walls and windows shake like if they were paper. I live in fear, had two strokes worrying how am I going to have my home repaired. After being on the waiting list for two years I finally been accepted for Broward Homebound Organization. When the caseworker manager visited my home I explained that I am still waiting for repairs to be done from Hurricane Wilma. I ask every week when is someone going to fix my home, her reply is Rose I am so sorry I have called everywhere I don\'t know how you are going to get help. How the Hurricane has affected my life. Health, worrying all the time when the next storm comes where will I live then. A nursing home? I live in fear!! The donations I made to charities I wonder where and who gets the money. President Bush declared Florida a disaster area, where did all the funds go? My trust in the Government is a big question mark. For I feel it is who you know and how loud you can yell that is when you might get help. What saddens me, my beautiful garden with an arbor and flowers everywhere is gone. Because of my health all the work I put in my home on the lake cannot be redone.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/15413.