\r\n When Hurricane Katrina hit I felt horrible, however I really didn\'t understand the impact because I really had never dealt with such terrible destruction. Then when pictures and videos started pouring on the internet I was shocked at what had happened. A whole part of the country had been completely destroyed and the only way to repair it was to start the whole economy society and everything all over again. Still pictures and movies can only do so much justice. My high school adopted ten students from the area and gave them a full ride scholarship to the school and also gave them and their families\' money to start over with. During an assembly the father of one of the kids started to cry when he thanked the school and the student body for all of the nice things that they had done, and that\'s when the effects hit me. \r\n \r\n I felt like I was hopeless in Norfolk with nothing to do except raise and send money to the clean up and rebuild effort. Then while at church the following Sunday I saw a flyer for a mission trip that was going down there for a week over spring break to help the clean up and rebuilding effort. My parents had already made us plans for spring break, but there was no way I would have been able to enjoy myself if I was sitting on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean when people would have done anything for just clean water. We gave the vacation to one of the families that we had come close to and they were shocked at what we were doing. The events that took place down there will stay in my mind forever. The feeling of helping someone start over is not a feeling that you can buy. The work was tough and by no means was the weather and temperature enjoyable but we never gave up and were able to help finish some roofs on homes that had just been built. After the week was over and I was in the plane flying back home I begun to realize how sometimes we think things are just terrible and that our lives are horrible. However, things can always be worse and we just have to be thankful for what we have and help others as much as we can.\r\n


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/15437.
