What the Left won\'t tell you

Saturday, September 10, 2005\r\nWhat the Left won\'t tell you \r\n\r\nOK, we all agree that the federal response to Katrina was slow, inadequate and managed by a guy [Michael Brown] who probably wasn\'t up to the job. A few on the Left have blamed President Bush ... well, because that\'s what they do. If the beating of a butterfly\'s wings in Sumatra ultimately caused Katrina, in some Left-leaning minds, it\'s because Bush personally failed to back policies friendly to butterflies. The drumbeat of blame emanates from somewhere off to out Left. It\'s incessant, irrelevant to the facts, and all-too-predictable.\r\n\r\nIt would be refreshing for one of the Left\'s media-savvy spokesmen or -women to step forward and give credit to Bush for dislodging the ineffective Brown, installing kick-ass Cajun Gen. Russell Honore as the military leader in ravaged New Orleans, and generally calming the troubled waters. It\'s not that Bush is above criticism -- how the hell did a poseur like Brown get an enormously important job like FEMA Director less than four years after Sept. 11? Was disaster money funneled to the would-be quagmire in Iraq? How could Wal-Mart, CNN and Geico be in a better position to deal with Katrina than the Bush Administration?\r\n\r\nThose questions -- and many more -- should be answered in the post-mortem [God, what an ugly term in this context.] But at the moment, it\'d be rather comforting to see Jesse Jackson, Hillary Clinton, Als Sharpton and Gore, Kanye West, Al Franken, Charles Schumer, even Bill Maher praise the President for quickly righting a wrong and moving forward quickly to save lives and regain modest control of the situation.\r\n\r\nThey had time in the midst of the crisis to criticize the use of the word \"refugees\" and to contrive elaborate conspiracy theories that always ended up: Katrina was a way for Bush to help his cronies in Big Oil.\r\n\r\nIt\'d be nice for the Left to admit that, sometimes, it\'s not about politics. It\'d be nice for all ideologues to admit that they occasionally have common enemies and obstacles. They won\'t ... but wouldn\'t it be lovely?\r\n\r\nHere\'s what the exceedingly funny (and smart) commentator Ben Stein had to say in The Spectator about the Left\'s blame-game on Katrina ... can\'t argue with eons of Nature.\r\n\r\nposting from\r\nhttp://underthenews.blogspot.com/


“What the Left won\'t tell you,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 18, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/1723.
