Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

Hello I am 15 years old and my name is Nikole Coulombe at the moment I live in Bunkie, Louisiana. I am a freshmen at Bunkie High School. If you would like to get a hold of me my email address is I have a wonderful mother and father named Christina and Micheal Coulombe. I also, have 1 sister and 1 brother there names are D\'Artanya and Chance Coulombe. I lived in Cameron, Louisiana. Until September 23, 2005. When I had to leave because Hurricane Rita. We left on the 22nd of September and got to Dry Creek, Louisiana on that day which is about 80 miles from Cameron. When we got there and settled they were boarding up the windows because it was supose to get bad. The night of the 23rd things were getting bad trees were falling everywhere. My dad went down this hill and trees were crashing everywhere aroung him but he went down this hill to save a family from almost dieing. He did save them. Then the next morning the wind was pretty bad still and it was raining all day the worst part that runs through my head like a dream is that there was this little building beside where we were staying and this huge tree beside it. Then all of a sudden the tree fell right on top of it. It scarded me to death. That day went by pretty slow and it was hot cause there was no power and no water cause no power. Then the next day came it was still hot and no water still. The rest of the day went by slow again and about the 5th day there we found out about this creek down the road from where we were and we went down to the creek and the water was so cold and it felt so good and that is where we took baths, until one of the people from the Church camp came down and told us the worst news. We had to leave to Church camp because it was to unsanitary to live there because there was no running water or no power. So, we all went home and started to to pack up again they had another place for us to go already though it was in Jackson, Louisiana at the Judson Baptist Retreat. When we got there we had this big cabin to live in. There the manager Mrs. Debbie and Mr. Eugiene were so nice and loving it was so great. We had stayed there for about 10 days until finally they said we really couldn\'t stay there but unfortunatly Mrs. Debbie had found us a FEMA trailer here in Bunkie, Louisiana. The day came when we had to leave we packed all our stuff up and got on the road heading to Bunkie. The truck was not really working good because there was a leak in the radiator when we got to Bunkie we got a choice of 2 trailers one had carpet and one had tile. We chose the one with tile because we didn\'t have a vacuum. They were nice trailers, they were all furnished and so nice. When we had gotten settled about 2 week later a fell into a really bad depressive state of mind and was just really depressed. It was the Sunday of November 11th of 2005 that night I had took 44 prescription pills. 22 Lexapro and 22 Clozapen. I didn\'t tell anyone anything and went to bed I had overdosed on the pills and I woke up that Monday went to school and couldn\'t stay awake and went to call my mom. She came and picked me up from school she said the she knew something was up because I looked like I was high on drugs when I got home her and my dad asked me what I had taken and I had told them nothing. Well, I went back to bed and woke up at 6:30 that night and when we wake up for school it is dark outside and my sister and brother were home from school and had there uniforms on and I told them they needed to get out there to the bus and they told me that it was still night time. My mom and dad had been at the store at the time when they got home I was back asleep. I had gotten up about 9:30 that same night and at about 10:00 that night I told my mom that I needed to talk to her in my room when she came back there I finally told that I had taken the 44 pills. She was so upset and I asked her if I had to tell my dad and she said yes so, I went out in to the living room and told my dad that I had taken the pills and he ask me why I did that I told him because I was so depressed about the Hurricane that I felt I had no reason to live. I told my mom that I want to go to a mental Hospital to get help that is when the conselor at my school got a hold of Mrs. Susan at the Avoyelles Mental Clinic and told her what happened and if she could get me a bed at Crossroads Mental Hospital. It was Wednesday and they got me a bed so my mom drove me up there and I stayed up there for about 2 weeks at the Hospital before I got help. I thought that the stay at the hospital helped and it did. Christmas went by I was out of the Hospital and doing good then january came and on January 2nd Of 2006 3 days before my birthday on January 5th I found out that my Uncle Frank my moms brother had died that day. I got even more depressed then my birthday went by and my boyfriends (whom I met at Crossraods Mental Hospital he was the sweetest person in the world to me) birthday was Saturday January 7th of 2006 he turned 16 and I was am 15 pasted and I was ok. Until January 9th of 2006 that night I tried to commit suicide again by strangling myself and I had cut my left wrist with a razor blade 54 times and my right one 20 times. I went to school on the 10th Tuesday and told the conselor and my principle that i tired to commit suicide again and they called my mom to the school and when she got there they told her. We got home she called Mrs. Susan and told her they got me a bed again at Crossraods agian and I was up there and got help from January 11th to January 17th. When I got out i was a whole lot better. Now, it is March 14th of 2006 I am haven\'t cut my wrist in about 2 months and I plan to keep not cutting them. I am doing awhole lot better I still cry and just last night I found out the my Aunt Genie is dieing of Cancer and she is not going to live much longer. And, the thought of my moms sister dieing is killingmy mom cause she never got to say goodbye to her mom, dad, or brother Frank and she just really hopes that her sister can be strong and hold in there a little bit longer til this summer when we are going to take a vacation to go see her. Other than that my life is slowly but surely getting better. I got asked to the prom from one of my friends that is a senior. And my life is going to keep getting better cause every day I ask God to give me the strength for the next day. \r\n Written by: \r\n Nikole Coulombe


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 18, 2024,
