Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

I was listening to the reports about the way thousands of people in the hurricane and flooded areas of Louisiana, Mississippi, et al are living as I was driving home and the thought came into my head as I started cooking dinner (something that thousands are unable to do tonite) How can I help?\r\n\r\nIf each of us gives up one of our \"luxury\" items for 2,3, 4 days or even a full week, we can raise millions of dollars for the relief effort.\r\n\r\nI am asking you to give up the can of soda you buy everyday, or the Starbucks coffee, or the greens fees, or the lottery tickets, or the candy bars or ice cream and put that money aside and at the end of whatever period you decide, send it to one of the organizations that are providing relief (housing, food, water, etc.) for those that have nothing.\r\n\r\nRemember, we were lucky not to have been hit and to have these items. Thousands in the areas hardest hit still do not have any food or water or plumbing or ANYTHING but the clothes on their backs.\r\n\r\nI know if we each do this and you pass it on to your e-mail list, we can help!!!!!!\r\n\r\nI am grateful to have dry clothes, food to eat, water to drink and to afford a few \"luxuries.\" I can give up the \"luxuries\" for a week to help those that do not even have the essentials. Please help me in this effort.\r\n\r\n-- Julie\r\n\r\n-One prayer: Peace\r\n\r\n-One hope: Harmony\r\n\r\n-One dream: Understanding\r\n\r\nOriginally collected by University of Texas San Antonio,


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 17, 2024,
