Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

I spent the storm on Loyola Ave. in an office building.It was me,my boyfriend and someone we had just met. I had a rental car but didn\'t have enough money to pay for gas and had nowhere to go,so we thought this would be a safe spot. We were on the same electricity grid as Charity hospital.We slowly watched people go to the superdome and as the rain started to come in late the night before,there was one chinese restaurant open on Canal,so we stocked up on what we wanted. The two boys drank enough liquor to kill a horse and they passed out.One was in a bathroom and the other in the hallway. I was pregnant at the time so I couldn\'t drink and also scared of storms,so I was wide awake.The wind was absolutly horrendous.We were 12 floors up,so It was strong!Lights started flickering and rain started to come in through the cracks in the windows.I made 3 phonecalls,because I didn\'t know if we would live.Power then went out,part of the ceiling caved in,the window blew out,metal started coming off the roof and enough metal siding came off the building to smash my car.I managed to get the boys up for a minute and then they went back to sleep.What jerks. So morning comes and I want to see the destruction.No power so we have to walk 12 flights of stairs each and every time we want to do something.It was so hot and dark in there. We were across from the Holiday Inn and watched them struggle with generaters.Noones phone worked.I ended up wandering out bymyself to check on my house in the bwater.People were like zombies but still happy that everything was basically ok.I made it home and saw we still had water and gas.I rushed back on my bike and told them the news.We decided to leave in the morning. I woke up early because my cats were yowling.I looked out the window and saw water coming down the street.I screamed. My friend said that he heard on the radio that the Levy broke.It was so wierd actually watching water come down the road. I quickly duct taped trashbags on the legs and went to set out. Their opposition was annoying and once they saw me leaving-they followed. It wasn\'t deep yet-maybe ankle deep. We made it to the house,crossing canal and that is when I first saw looting.That is when i started to get nervous.I didn\'t know if I should be getting food too of should I grab a new dress-what goes through your head in such a panic is insane. We made it to the house and saw it was still ok...water and gas still on.We rushed back to the shelter to grab our things and the cats. The french quarter was crazy-cops riding around with shotguns-everyone looking suspicious and lost.This was an unexplanable feeling.Truely anarchy in a city already so nuts.We made it to the building-now the water knee deep inside and got our things.I had both my cats in one carrier,a heavy backpack and maneuvering through the flood water was extremely taxing.It was so damn hot and waist deep in areas.We made it back to the house.We all got a bath and cooked-living the good life and then the gas goes off and the water goes off.Now we dont have enough water and no food to eat. So yes,I looted-I shopped all that I could.Im not ashamed. I grabbed that cheese that I always wanted to try,canned food,orange juice,napkins,bactine,face masks,rubber gloves,bleach,trashbags.No I didn\'t get a TV,but I got a new toothbrush.I didn\'t get new shoes,but I got sewing thread and even a couple beers. I feel that that the people that shake their heads at this can ,well,go to heck.You weren\'t here and I don\'t wish anarchy in the 9th ward on anyoneand if you were here and shaking your head,you should of came by for a fancy cheese sandwich. It was tough. We had constant threats from gangs driving city buses up the street. They were casing houses and stealing supplies.I always wave at everyone. We had to use pool water to bath,wash clothes and flush the toilet.We had a gun and other weapons that we took turns patroling.The government didnt drop any water or food in our neighborhood. We had to go to Markie Park to get it and that was 2x about 5 days after the storm.The supplies dropped were so low,it was amazing to even get one bottle of water.Im not a very big fan of this government. When the big military came in,they drove up and down the streets,pointing guns,taking away our weapons and then drove off when the gangs came in.Sucked.Dog packs were forming and the smell was getting bad.You knew you were surrounded by dead people.Our street was basically an island.Rescue helecopters dropped off people from the lower 9 next to our house.From here they were to take the buses to the superdome.Problem 1...they didn\'t tell them where they were.\r\n2...When it was dark-it was pitch black\r\n3..some of these folks were very old-and wet and lost and in shock.\r\n4.the buses were left unattended-no drivers\r\n5. gang members and thugs were joyriding\r\nSo we helped who we could and formed a little gang ourselves. We met up with another\"gang\" on the next street.He had a generater and we brought what we had to eat.we grilled with siphoned gasoline and downed limbs.We were white,black,spanish,creole,all ages,serving eachother what ever meal we came up with.The food was rotting,but noone cared.Getting a meal from a thug-all gold teeth,tattooed tears-putting his hand on my shoulder to sit. I was starting to feel ill and was worried because i was pregnant. The neighborhood thinnned out after this. I had horrible stomach pains and didn\'t want to leave without my cats. We met up with a friend of mine and we all siphoned enough gas to get out of here. Crossing over Canal street,I was pissed! Newspeople primping their makeup,so much water that is was falling into the streets and getting run over.Our neighborhood was neglected.I truely feel that the government is afraid of poor people,afraid of Black People and well,just didn\'t care.As far as my health went,I had to go to the hospital.I had a sickness similar to Cholera.I then had bleeding.So I didn\'t have a baby.Would I stay here again for a storm?3 or below yes.This time I have all my cameras powered up and won\'t spend it with my wimpy boyfriend.


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024,
