Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

When the news and radio sent out word of the hurricane, I was like \"Theres no way the Hurricane is going to come near Vidor\". Boy was I wrong. When the news and radio people said you need to evacuate, I was in shock. I was so upset. I was at a friends house and I was talking to my boyfriend and my cousin( who I am very close to) on the phone at the same time..One phone with my boyfriend and the other my cousin. My cousin and I were very upset. We didnt know if we were ever going to see eachother again. My dad came and got me shortly after I had gotten off the phone with the two and my friend and I cried for am minute because we were scared. my dad took me home so my brother and I could get our things together. We got everything that we needed and headed off to Elizabeth, Louisiana. It normally takes us like 2 and half hours to get there on a regular day, but that day it took us 8. It was horrible. People were so rude driving down the interstate or the highway. Whatever road we were on people were mean. They didnt care about anyone, they just wanted away and i understand why. Who wasnt scared you know? So we got to Elizabeth and stayed with my Uncle and Aunt for two days I think. But the hurricane had hit pretty close to their house and the lights went out. It was so hot and there was no water. I rememeber going out into their pasture behind their house and the wind had been blowing very hard and as i began to walk the wind blew so hard it knocked me off my feet. From that point on I was scared. I didnt know where RITA was coming from. I didnt want the hurricane to hit us where we were. Luckily all the hurricane did was knock some powere lines down. We left my aunt and uncles house the sunday after the hurrcane hit and went to China, Texas( thats right next to beaumont) ans it was terrible. The police were at every red light nad road connecting into Texas, stopping people form getting through. We eventually got through and went to my dads friends house. It was so bad. We had to park our car at the end of the road because trees adn power lines were blocking it. My dads friends house was OK. SO we went ahead to our house, my uncles house and my aunts house in Mauriceville. First we went to our house which was in Vidor on Butler street. My dad had just bought the house right before the hurrcane hit. A tree was right through the middle of it. It was ruined. Next we went to my uncles house in Mauriceville. His trailer was just fine. But we had left our dog at his house and she was gone. My dad were really upset. Next we went to My aunts house who lives on the next street over in Mauriceville and her house was also OK. We went back to China and stayed there for about a week or two. M y brother, who is a year younger than me, left to go to Dallas with my aunt and uncle while we were in Elizabeth still, was still in Dallas with my aunt and uncle and i hadnt seen him in like a month. It wa hard. You dont really know how much you appreciate the little things yuo have until they are taking away from you. Or how much people mean to you when you cant see them for a month or so. Little things like that make you think about that and BIG things like the hurricane make you appreciate your life and the the people and things in it. I hope I never have to go through another hurrciane or any type of storm ever again.nad i hope when i have kids, they wont.+-6


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 18, 2024,
