Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

Most of us did not expect the life change brought on by hurricane Katrina. I know that I had no idea what would happen. The Saturday before Katrina hit, I woke up late as usual. Mornings are not my specialty! When I woke up, I did not even put the television on to see the newest forecast of the storm. It was only when my uncle called did I look at the news. I do not think there has ever been a direct hit of St. Bernard parish, but it sure looked as though it would happen this time. We have been through this before a few times. All of these near misses have proven forecasters wrong many times. I was sure that this would happen again. It had to; I was just getting a new beginning by going back to the University of New Orleans after having to take nine years off for serve illnesses. I looked forward to it for so long!\r\n\r\nMy mom came home from work; I live with her since I was sick. We went to my aunt’s house to see what they, she and her family, were going to do. We had all made a pact to evacuate together when a storm arose. Many plans were decided upon and tossed out very quickly. Finally, the five of us decided to go to Georgia where my cousin Donna’s friends, Mike and Judi, live. Talk about a long drive! It is over five hundred miles. On the way, we learned that Gail, Donna’s sister, had invited her friends, Jeannie, Johnny, Olivia, Reagan, and their chocolate Labrador retriever. I really wondered about the size of this house we where would be staying!\r\n\r\nWhen we got there, we learned that it has five bedrooms, five and one half bathrooms, a living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room, family room, three storage rooms, a recreation room, office, and a pool! It was tremendous! I still could not figure out how we had all fit though. We managed, but we of course had trials and tribulations. I think it would come with so many people. Before long, my cousin, Merrill, his girlfriend, Julie, and his friend, Britt came to live too! Merrill and Britt have been making a movie they how will get to film festivals and maybe get some major recognition. The story about the making of the movie is something though. Merrill and Britt worked on editing the movie for about ten hours a day for two (?) months. Julie had to go back to Louisiana to complete some university work. About that time, Ben and his boyfriend Chris went back also. Ben was offered a teaching position at LSU. Things are working out for some of us. I wonder what about me? \r\n\r\nAt first, I really thought this would be like hurricane IVAN. Nothing for Louisiana. St. Bernard parish has never to my knowledge had a direct hit. I really thought I would be back at U.N.O. by Tuesday at the latest. I even brought books to study! How nerdy is that? LOL Everything here is chaos. It is crazy having so many people talking at one time. You should have seen us at dinner! There were so many people even for this enormous house.\r\n\r\nI had no idea about FEMA and all of the hoops you have to jump through for assistance. That is a mess. I filed for everyone because everyone trusted me to do it right. I must have been on the phone for hours! Talk about red tape and nonsense! Good grief!! Well, it was done for all of the families. I wish there would have been an easier way. The next days seem to go as carbon copies of the lest few days. We eat, drink, and watch the news coverage. Well, I have been able to play with the baby, Reagan, who is just a blessing. \r\n\r\nGail went back to work but here in Georgia. When it was announced that you could go back to the parish, she and Aunt Ann went to see their house. They brought pictures. It is such a wasteland! The funny thing is where the furniture ended up being located. It was in every convoluted area you could imagine. I am jealous that they got to go back to their house. I want to see my house! Since I do not have a car, I have to wait. The requirements to get back in the parish are alarming. All of these shots, masks, boots, and gloves. What happened there? \r\n\r\nWe went to Tennessee to see some friends of Donna’s. That was a nice break from the nightmares. All we do here is shop for everything. We need everything. It is such a nightmare. I still cannot seem to wrap my head around the idea. Mom and I did not have insurance; so, we are screwed. All you hear on the news is why did we all live in a place like the area we lived in? It was home. No one told us how potentially dangerous it was. Do you have any concept of “below sea level?” I knew it, but really did not. For a while, FEMA started cutting checks for everyone. Mom and I did not get one. We figured out that FEMA sent it to our old muddy address. Doesn’t that figure? We got it corrected and finally got a check!! WHOOHOO!! It was a Godsend. Now if you wonder why we did not have insurance, we could not afford it. We are poor according to the government standards. We could not afford homeowners. We did not need flood; it had never flooded there ever. No reason to think it would now. Of course, everything is pretty much based on how hurricane Betsy did to Louisiana in the 1960s. Does that sound crazy or what? Here we are about 45 years later still basing things on a hurricane from the 60s. \r\n\r\nWe received more refugees from Katrina. Now the house tops out at 18! Is that crazy or what? Mike and Judi have been asked what is going on by the neighbors. We have so many cars! Donna and Aunt Ann decided to go to Florida to see Donna’s daughter Lindsay. Mom and I tagged along too. We were stuck in tropical storm Tammy! What is wrong with this? We bought some clothes there. Almost could not fit everything that the four of us bought in the trunk! Isn’t this crazy? I had to be homeless to get to vacation in all of these great states. Well, I did get to spend some time with my cousin Lindsay. She is a real treasure. When she finishes school, she is going to be a really great classical singer. \r\n\r\nWhen we got back to Georgia, Jeannie, Johnny, Reagan, Olivia, and Gail are gone. Gail got an apartment and the others got some trailers. It is so quiet! We have great times scouting for sales so that we can get some clothes and it has been fun exploring the area. I have to go back to school. UNO opened up online. Such a great thing! I have something to do. There are so many papers and deadlines. I hop and jump fast! I never thought that I would crank out so many papers in one semester! Truly, I am grateful that Mike and Judi have this computer. It has allowed me to do so much! \r\n\r\nMerrill and Britt just got back from New Orleans where they checked on their apartment. They were able to salvage a lot! I am so glad for them. They are the next Ben Afflick and Matt Damon, I think. You should see the movie they made. Perhaps you will! \r\n\r\nWe celebrated Donna’s birthday. She got some great things! Judi and Mike gave her these cool Prada sunglasses. I wish I could see without my glasses so that I can get a pair one day! It was a fun day. Dorie came back with Britt and Merrill as a surprise for Donna. Dorie and I got to learn poker from Aunt Ann and my Mom. They all talked about coming back here to start a catering business. I wonder. Hope it would work! \r\n\r\nMike, Dorie’s husband drove here to pick her up. I am going to miss that nut. She is so funny! Now, FEMA tells my mom that we should have a trailer soon. That was a month ago. Mike, Judi, and their daughter Laura are wonderful. They want us to stay forever. We cannot do that. Leaning on someone leg forever? Nah! Not our style. I did want to apply here for school. GSU was somewhat rude. I missed the deadline according to them. I’ll be either back online with UNO or in classes at SLU or LSU. Who knows? We did decide to stay here until I get finished with school. The semester is so short and FINALS (YUCK!!!!) are looming ahead! \r\n\r\nDonna sent us some pictures of our house. The outside looks picture perfect. The inside is horrible. I took about a week off cranking out papers to just be depressed. I know what St. Bernard parish is like now. I look at the news and surf the net. I just wanted something, anything that was mine. \r\n\r\nMom keeps coming up with all of these plans of what we will do. I just keep telling her as long as there is a university and many doctors around; I am cool with where we go. She is not thinking. Says we will find something when we get back to Louisiana. I would rather like to be more certain before I pack up what little I have and go on another journey.


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 25, 2024,
