Fortunately enough for me, I was not directly affected by the hurricanes themselves. Though I can tell you that there has been times where I felt very connected to the situation. I can remember it like it was yesterday: the news breaks, the scurrying of people, the internet and word passing through friends and family, everybody knew the damage the Hurricane\'s caused within hours of it occuring. I can remember the tons of phone calls that our house kept recieving about friends who were down there who couldn\'t be found. I remeber hearing a story about a close friend who had gotten seperated from his family and couldn\'t find them. I could only imagine having to be there alone, lost, without the slightes inclination where to go or what to do. Eventually they all were renunited and forced to relocate for the time being. \r\n\r\nI have so much respect for all the victims of the Hurricanes. I can\'t tell you that I know how it feels, but I can imagine it somewhat. I honestly do not know what I would have done if I had lost everything. I have so much respect for all of them as well. Most of them stayed positive and were forced to try and put their lives back together in a foreign place. They are very strong people and should be very proud of themselves. \r\n\r\nAs well, I have a lot of respect for all that has gone on since the hurricanes. For a short time, we were all able to put aside our differences and work on the rebuilding process. It is cool to see that places like New Orleans are getting back to \"normal\" and are still able to host events like Mardi Gras. It makes me feel so good to know that there are enough people in the world that are willing to sacrifice a little time and help out.\r\n\r\nBest of Luck to all who are still recovering!


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024,