peOple cRying, peOple dyiNg


Hellicane: Poets Respond to Hurricane Katrina

peOple cRying, peOple dyiNg\r\nblOod is shEdiNg wEn rAin wUz fAlliNg\r\nlOts of hOusEs, lOts of lOved onEs\r\nmOst of thEir cRisIs wUz endEd by wAter\r\n\r\nhAviNg nO brEath tO sAy agAin\r\nnOt mOving aN iNch of thEir bOdy\r\nbEcAuse of thE wEeknEs of thEir bOdy\r\nnO gOodbyEs wEre sAid\r\n\r\nhAd nO timE\r\ntO spEak whAt thEy rEally wAnted sAid\r\njUst likE thE deAth of twiN tOwers\r\nit dAmagEd hEarts of the uNsAid\r\n\r\nbUt thiS timE it wUz wAter nOt by plAne of thE rAce of anOther\r\nthEse tWo thiNgs wiLl alwAys stAy iN oUR hEarts\r\naND oNE dAy we\'Ll wAke up tO a frEsh nEw stArt



“peOple cRying, peOple dyiNg,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024,