You Locked \'Em In & Let \'Em Rot For Five Days


Hellicane: Poets Respond to Hurricane Katrina

you locked \'em in and let \'em rot for five days\r\nwho knew you could use FEMA to keep help away...\r\ncongratulations!\r\nyou\'ve finally graduated\r\nfrom President Lionel Hutz\r\nto third world Emperor\r\n(can\'t call you what i\'d like\r\ncause it\'s your n-word\r\nand makes you get all blood in the face - yavoll!)\r\n\r\nyou\'ve just become Baby Doc and Mobutu\r\nbecome the worst combination of\r\nNixon, Harding and Andrew Jackson -\r\nstrumming that guitar\r\na Texas Nero still on vacation\r\nand what about your pirate band?\r\nCondi can\'t be bothered\r\nshe\'s painting the big apple red\r\nCheney\'s away at a secluded spot\r\ngetting his light saber readjusted...\r\nRove is back in the shadows, spinning...\r\n\r\nyou can tell me...\r\nit was a business decision, wasn\'t it?\r\nan impulsive stroke of short-term genius\r\nicing on the vacation cake\r\nto take the taste of Cindy Sheehan\'s\r\nanger and grief\r\nout of your mouth...\r\nlet\'s let mother nature do over here\r\nwhat Mugabe\'s doing to his shanty towns -\r\nclearing brush\r\nand hey, rumors of looting darkies works for us...\r\nOsama must be laughing -\r\nthese guys are doing a better job\r\nthan any Al Quida sleeper cell...\r\n\r\nsome of your smirking\r\nrepent america\r\nchristian patriot rapture rangers\r\nno doubt smiled at the spectacle\r\n\"when the rapture comes\r\nall you heathens will be just like that...\"\r\nuh huh...and god is a klansman, right?\r\nthis ain\'t the apocalypse, you sheep\'s clothing Jesus-boys\r\nmerely incompetence of biblical proportions\r\n\r\nhope you enjoy the ride\r\ncause hey, the jig is up:\r\nthe drive-by photo-ops will no longer do\r\nthe webs you\'ve been spinning obscured your view\r\nand when Fox starts kicking your ass\r\nyou oughta get a clue!\r\nbut then\r\nyou lied us into a war you\'re fighting on the cheap\r\nan expensive campaign\r\nwhere parents scrape together\r\nto buy their kids\' body armor...\r\nwhy wouldn\'t the cavalry be half-assed and late\r\nbut thanks for giving all us locals a heads up:\r\nwe can\'t depend on you at all\r\nif the crap hits the fan wherever \'right here\' is\r\nunless you\'re a card-carrying member of the country club\r\n\r\nhey, numbnuts!\r\nyour vacation is over\r\nyour next two as well -\r\nas the recession ripples slowly fan out\r\nas things get more expensive and may start to run out\r\nas the military is slowly burned out\r\nas we follow the Soviets into a slow collapse...\r\nif the rabble gets too uppity\r\nyou can always declare martial law\r\nbut whose troops would you use...\r\nHey, China holds our busted IOU\'s\r\nand they believe in profits now...\r\nthey\'ll do\r\n



“You Locked \'Em In & Let \'Em Rot For Five Days,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 17, 2024,
