An Unforgettable Senior Year\r\n\r\nAugust 22, 2005 was the second week of my senior year in high school, and I was looking forward for an exciting and unforgettable time. My friends and I decided to go for a pre-senior trip the coming weekend to Port Aransas in Texas. On Friday, August 26, I went to get my parents\' approval, but they had something else to tell me. They notified me about Hurricane Katrina, and asked me to cancel all my plans for that weekend and evacuate with them to Houston. Assuming that Katrina wasn\'t going to be a disastrous storm, I packed only 3-day supply worth of clothes and evacuated with my dad, my mom, my elder brother and a younger sister on Saturday night. Although it was a six hour drive, it took us nearly 12-13 hours to reach Houston. We arrived at my aunt\'s place, which was a two bedroom, one bathroom apartment, at 9:00 in the morning. Entering her apartment, we saw that there were 6 other families who had evacuated from Gulfport, Mississippi and staying in her apartment. The apartment was severely crowded with no bed to sleep on and only one bathroom to share among twenty one adults, 5 children and 2 newborn babies. Due to the 13 hour drive, we were extremely tired and decided to lie-down for a couple of hours. We weren\'t able to sleep because of the crying newborn babies and noisy children playing videogames. Since my aunt had a two bedroom apartment, all the ladies and girls slept in one room, whereas all the boys slept in another room. Since she didn\'t have enough sleeping bags for all of us, we had to sleep on the floor at night. None of us were able to sleep because we were all worried about our houses, jobs and schools. Next morning (August 29), I turned on the television and heard on the news that New Orleans and Gulfport, Mississippi were severely hit by Hurricane Katrina. We saw that the levees in New Orleans had broken and due to that the entire city was flooded. We also heard on the news that high schools in New Orleans will be closed for at least 2 months. I was shocked when I heard that. I wanted my senior year to be exciting and memorable, but everything went wrong. We all had to make my aunt\'s home a temporary living place, which was although too small for twenty eight people, but a safe place to shelter ourselves and our belongings. Those 4-6 weeks during Katrina made me realize that I should start appreciating with what I have rather than taking everything for granted. \r\n


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 19, 2024,