When I returned home from my evacuation of Hurricane Katrina, I had already known that my home was left untouched. With the exception of some minor damages such as downed trees and missing shingles, I had a warm home to come home to . However, not all of my friends were as fortunate as I was. Many of them lost part or all of their belongings due to flooding, and it was heartbreaking walking into a home that I practically grew up in as well and feeling as though I was walking through a swamp. The hot, wet, and humid conditions were almost unbearable. The surrounding area was victim to much destruction as well, and seeing so many people struggling to get their lives back together was difficult. The things that I would have to complain about would be viewed as very selfish because my hardships consisted of a ridiculous curfew and nowhere to go. Fortunately, I never fail to remember the sad faces of my friends and family who put their lifes work into something that was easily taken from them.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 17, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/31693.
