The formation of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 was inevitable. After all only nature can produce just the right conditions for the storm to brew, or did some external factor play a role in its sudden strengthening to a category five just before hitting landfall? Just as Katrina was approaching meteorologist were concerned about an abnormal condition that seemed to have developed over night in the Gulf of Mexico. Some how or another, cool water exiting the Mississippi River created a hot spot in the Gulf, raising the temperature to nearly 86 degrees just south of the Louisiana/Mississippi state line. That is 8 to 10 degrees warmer than its surrounding water. (The warmer the water the more ferocious the storm.) Coincidence? I think not. Regardless of the speculations, N.O.\'s middle and upper middle class are being replaced with lower income foke. This direction of migration is typically followed by more crime and less money spent in New Orleans not to mention the effects on its former residents. No one knows exactly how long New Orleans will take to recover from this disaster or if it ever will.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024,
