It was the day before Katrina and my family and I were still debating whether to leave or stay for Katrina. It was when we got a phone call from my brother Ivan who was telling us to leave because it was going to be a category four. My dad then decided we were going to leave. We had no preparations to go anywhere. We just packed our bag with a weeks worth of clothing and headed to Texas. \r\n The day went on and it was bumper to bumper traffic. It took us about ten hours to get to Lafayette, Louisiana from River Ridge, Louisiana. We stopped to eat at Cracker Barrel and to stretch our legs some. After eating, we headed to Texas with no stops till we got there. I t was then I got a phone call from my best friend Kelley. She said that her aunt had space for us to stay for a while. We then headed to Sugarland, Texas. \r\n The night came and turned to morning. We finally made it to her Kelley\'s aunts at three o\'clock in the morning. It was a rough night for everyone. We unpacked and went straight to bed. The next morning we awoke to horrible news. Hurricane Katrina terrorized New Orleans. We worried about our homes and schools. Katrina was dramatic effect on everyone. \r\n The next day I and Kelley\'s parents decided they wanted to enroll us in school, since we did not know how long we were staying in Texas. I did not like that we had to go to another school. I then decided to tell my dad to call my coach and see if school was ever going to resume. She said yes and to not enroll us. I was excited and glad to hear that not only our school was okay our home was too. I later told Kelley I was not staying in school and as soon as we were able to return to home, I was. She was sad because her mom and step dad wanted to stay. \r\n We later got and okay call from my coach. I was so happy to be returning to my home and school. Little did I know that everything around home and school was empty? We returned and our home was fine, but some of our friends had major damages. We all got together to help each other out and acted like a family. We soon returned to school, but New Orleans was nowhere near returning to school or home.\r\n



“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024,
