The following are emails from the early days after Katrina that for me explain a lot of my experience in the uncertainty left by the storm.\r\nMy First Email to Friends & Family After Katrina:\r\n-----Original Message-----\r\nFrom: Jeffery Ferguson [] \r\nSent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 9:48 PM\r\nTo: \r\nSubject: If its not one thing its another\r\n \r\nWell, its always fun to write these emails. SO I will start with the good news, in June I had surgery to remove a tumor from my jaw, it was benign, and after its removal I received my first year blood tests, all negative which means I have made it one year clear, NO CANCER!, I went to Europe to celebrate at the benevolences of my grandmother(thanks grandma) after being home no more than two days this stupid stupid stupid woman named Katrina came knocking at my door, we were unsure if we were going to evacuate, but at 6:30am on Sunday morning when she was a category 5 we packed the house up and left, unsure of our destination, we head north. Now in Cincinnati Ohio, I am watching the news reports, and checking the ever lovely blog reports on various sites, but once again, to end this with good news all of my family is safe, a little stressed from the trip, but safe and sound in Ohio. Also I know not all of you on this list are believers but I wanted to let you all know of a few things I saw while evacuating. On Saturday I went to fill our propane tank and while in line a truck passed by with the following on its rear window: Relax, God knows what you can handle. The next morning as we frantically packed up to leave I noticed the plaque above our kitchen that reads: Be still and know that I am God. And as we drove away from our home, not knowing what would happen I could not help but think of Abraham standing outside of the city asking God to spare it if he could find just one good person. New Orleans seems to be in complete disaster, probably of Biblical proportions, but as the days wear on I get reconnected with more friends and family who have made it safely out. Lives cannot be replaced Bill Cosby is wrong; you can never make another one just like you. But material things are always ALWAYS REPLACABLE. God bless you, he already has and may he continue to do so.\r\ndry and safe in Cincinnati.\r\njeff ferguson\r\nMy email to FEMA after we returned home:\r\n\r\nquestions about displaced student due to Katrina�\r\nFrom: Jeffery Ferguson (\r\nSent: September 19, 2005 7:02:00 AM\r\nTo:\r\nCc:\r\n\r\nMy name is Jeffery David Ferguson, I am a student at The University of New Orleans. I am staying with my parents now after the storm, I am curious as to how I sign up for aid other than the IHP, since I don\'t feel I qualify for that particular situation. I have to remain a student, in order to keep my health insurance, this is a necessity for me since I have Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma, I will have to incur expenses this year with visiting another treatment center. I would appreciate any information on this thank you.\r\n\r\nSincerely,\r\n\r\n Jeffery D Ferguson\r\n\r\n11 Shady Ln\r\n\r\nCovington LA 70433\r\n\r\nTheir Response:\r\nThank you for your e-mail message to FEMA�\r\nFrom: FEMA-Correspondence-Unit (\r\nSent: September 19, 2005 7:02:14 AM\r\nTo: Jeffery Ferguson (\r\n\r\nThank you for your e-mail to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)\r\nin the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Although we may not be able to personally\r\nrespond to you as quickly as we would like, we hope that the following\r\ninformation will answer your questions or get you to a source that can meet\r\nyour needs.\r\n \r\nGENERAL INFORMATION\r\n \r\nMany questions are answered at <> or\r\nat links from that site. These include:\r\n* How to Get Help\r\n<> . Response and\r\nrecovery information for victims - individuals and businesses. Links to\r\ngovernment benefits, services, education and shelter. Information for\r\nfederal and military employees. \r\n* Donate and Volunteer <> . Sources for\r\npeople to donate money and search for volunteer opportunities - make\r\nresources available. Please note that the U.S. Department of Health and\r\nHuman Services now has more than 33,000 medical volunteers and is not\r\nseeking more.\r\n* Finding Loved Ones and Information\r\n<\r\nery.shtml> . Finding loved ones and information on replacing records\r\n(drivers\' licenses, passports), telephone hotlines and frequently asked\r\nquestions on effects and aftermath of hurricane. \r\n* Health and Safety\r\n<> . Links to\r\ninformation about health, water, food, worker safety. \r\n* What Government is Doing <> . Overall view\r\nof what government agencies are doing and links to their main hurricane\r\nresponse pages. \r\n* En Español <>\r\n. Enlaces a información en español sobre salud, seguridad y cómo solicitar\r\nasistencia. \r\nFor State or local information, you may contact the following websites:\r\n \r\nLOUISIANA\r\n \r\n* State of Louisiana Homeland Security and Emergency Management,\r\n <> .\r\n* Directory of Parish offices of emergency management,\r\n\r\n<> . \r\n* Louisiana State Police,\r\n<> . \r\n* New Orleans information, <>\r\n. \r\n


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024,
