


All of the following images were photographed in New Orleans on Dec. 27, 2005 - 121 days after Hurricane Katrina hit the area. While there has been amazing progress in cleaning up the city of debris left by the storm, there is still an incredible amount of work to be done. Images like this view of the French Quarter suggest life is quickly coming back to normal. As the evening skylight is cast over the French Quarter the street lights begin to illuminate the area and give the appearancce of a normal evening scene in the City of New Orleans. While it\'s certainly good to see a scene llike this one, I feel the need to illustrate for persons not living in the area that at this date, approximately 40% of the City of New Orleans is still without power. This is not an editorial comment regarding why the power is not on, because in reality, there is still extensive damage to large sections of the city that prohibits utilities from being turned on. Even on Dec. 27, when these photos were taken, electric utility crews were hard at work to restore power to darkened neighborhoods. A lot of work remains to be done before utilities can be restored to other neighborhoods. In time, the power will come back on. If anyone believes that life is back to normal in New Orleans, think about the next images...


“0001.JPG,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 27, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/3420.