I lived 1 ½ blocks from the beach in Biloxi, able to see the water from my front yard. \r\n \r\nMonday 5AM, Wind was starting to pick up not sure if I should go or stay. I was told that my property elevation was 37feet above sea level so with that I decided to stay and ride out the storm. With windows boarded up, flashlights, radio and some provisions I hunkered down. \r\n\r\n 6AM, Winds stronger and as I looked out my front door noticing how the magnolia tree across the street was swaying. I decided to move my emergency supplies and my mattress (for protection) to the hallway between the 2 bedrooms for future use if needed. The power was still on and I was watching the local news as the storm approached.\r\n\r\n 7AM, Winds a lot stronger and that tree across the road was bending and I noticed you could see the root ball rise up from the ground with the gusts now coming in shorter intervals. Rain, wind and the sound of a freight train added to the effect. I started to wonder if I had made the right choice to stay. After several very large and strong gusts of wind the power went out and I switched on the radio to the announcer say \" It is to late to evacuate, officials will now be able to help\". \r\n \r\n 8AM, Well Katrina is almost here and boy do I know it. Setting in my hallway with the mattress rapped around me, bedroom door cracked so I can watch the windows in the bed room. In between fear and excitement I wonder out to the living room and peek out the front door. Rain is coming down in buckets, wind gusts175 mph. and the water is up past the curb and to my front door. I think to myself \"That\'s a lot of rain\". Little did I know but the river out front was the tidal surge, 1 ½ block inland and 37 feet above sea level.\r\n\r\n 9AM, It\'s here and \"wow\" really scary, stuff hitting the house, blowing past the front door. \"Thud\" the ground under me shook\r\n\r\n Not sure of the time now but it has been a while (many hours) and the wind seems to be slowing down. After I don\'t know how long I venture a look outside and notice my cat Scotty setting outside of the front door looking high and dry. With that I said \"It\'s over the animals are coming out\". I grabbed my camera and out the door I went only to find out the house next door had 3\"of water in it and about 4 houses down had about 3 feet of water (I was lucky I had no water). As I walked further towards the beach the houses got progressively worse and by the time I reached the end of the block the houses were gone.\r\n That night it was strange no lights, sounds, the glow of neon from the casinos gone. Every now and then a bright flash of blue in the sky or a loud boom as transformers shorted and blew up. I remember how beautiful the stars looked without all the glow from the city.\r\n\r\nWould I do it again (Stay that is) not sure but that day I had Angels on my house.\r\n\r\n


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/35572.
