Growing up forty five minutes from New Orleans has been quite an experience. It was the perfect location for me - far enough to get away from the busy, congested city life, yet just close enough to the city to enjoy all it has to offer. Since my hometown was about forty miles from the city, my house only sustained wind damage. However, when anyone asks \"Where are you from?\" I immediately say New Orleans. New Orleans has been a part of my life since I can remember. Family memories have been made in the city, as well as many, many friends. Therefore, waking up the morning after Hurricane Katrina, I felt like a part of my hometown was gone. Everything near and dear to my heart was devastated. Knowing that some of my friends lived in the areas that were completely gone was heart wrenching. What hurt even more was coming back to the city shortly after Katrina took over. Houses were blocks from where they were supposed to be, the walls were spray painted with how many people and animals were found in a house. Being an avid animal lover, tears came when pets were found, and marked on the outside of the house. I know the inconvenience of traveling with pets, but just the thought of one of my pets being left behind is unbearable. However, at the same time many, many lives were lost. Although no one close to me was lost to Katrina, it hurt equally as bad to see the numbers of people that were lost. \r\n\r\n\r\n Overall, my return to the city was eye opening. How could such devastation occur in such a short period of time? Even today, the city is not completely restored and families and friends have yet to be reunited. Today, I am a resident of the area and New Orleans is now home to me. On my drive to school or work there is evidence of Katrina\'s wrath to this day. I see tour buses going through the devastated areas. If only these tourists could have saw what I saw. Today they see a city rebuilding, nothing like happened a couple of years ago. Seeing the images of television did no justice. Seeing is believing, and seeing the devastation that occurred was heartbreaking. However, seeing the improvements to the city makes me believe in this great city.\r\n


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024,
