
When Katrina hit, my cat Luna had just come to live with me. I had adopted her from an abusive home and nurtured her back to health. She became so attached to me, it was like having my own little baby. But when Katrina hit, I quickly rounded her in the kennel and set off for Leesville, Louisiana. The trip was horrible and she, an already scared cat, was constantly meowing. Unable to help console her at the time, it broke my heart. Once we arrived at our destination she was still very scared and timid, and hid from me the entire time. I felt as though she was shunning me for taking her from her home. Once all the news of New Orleans flooding came about, I understood that my home might not be there anymore and my life was changed forever. Luna finally came out of hiding after that, and I could only cry as I spoke about not knowing about my home. Her reaction to my emotions was so stunning that I took a picture of her sitting on the bed. To me, her expression looks as though she was in awe of the news. I then realized that it wasn\'t just my home that was gone, but hers as well. We went through it all together, and I wouldn\'t have it any other way. My cat and I surivived Katrina together.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024,