My Sisters Cry

My Sisters Cry\r\n\r\n Before evacuating, most of my family meet at my dads house. We watched the news one last time before we hit the road. They were explaining how high the water serge would be, and how no one should stay behind. I also remember the mayor saying if you were staying you should keep an ax and flash light close so that you could have access to the attic. They also made it clear that no help would be on the way. They explained that body bags was being sent to the city because they expected so many people to die. Time was passing and we were just about ready to go, but every one was not at the house. We were waiting for my oldest sister. In her apartment with her son, they were just sitting there, no bags pack at all. She had already made up her mind that she was going to stay, their was nothing we could say or do to make her change her mind. We begged her to come with us, but she made so many excusive why she could not go, she had no money for gas and no place to stay, also her husband was at Charity Hospital. It is fine, we explain to her, we got your gas money and you could stay at a hotel with us. Her answer was still no. So we just set for awhile, then when we were about to leave, tears came from her eyes, maybe three. We all saw her as this strong person, so hard and solid, to see her cry it was so painful. Why did she not come? \r\n



“My Sisters Cry,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024,
