It was my Senior year of high school. Naturally I was excited and greatly looked forward to graduation the following year. Then Katrina hit....\r\n\r\nFor the first time in my life, I was uprooted from\r\nthe only place I knew as home. My life would never be the same. Thankfully we had family that lived in Texas, and that was where we stayed for three weeks: Fortworth, Texas. I can clearly remember the ongoing devastation that plagued New Orleans. This experience taught me that nothing in life should ever be taken for granted especially family and friends. I cried, worried, pondered and reflected on what lied ahead for my family and I. \r\n\r\nLuckily our home was saved from the worst part of the storm, however our house was unlivable and we ended up renting a one story house for seven months. To this day, I still can\'t believe the lives that have been profuondly affected while many unfortunately can\'t get theirs back.\r\n\r\nI thank God for sparing my family and I any more pain and heartache although I still feel remorse when seeing other homes that have yet to be restored.\r\n\r\nGod bless New Orleans.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024,
