When Katrina hit my whole family had already evacuated. We were in a town named Tallulah and we slept 2 or three people in these small one bed motel rooms.When we got to return home the house was gross and smelly. There was holes in our roof. Then my cousin\'s girlfriend at the time and her three children had lost their home, and had no where to go. We offered to let them live with us. It was a hard time for them because they had lost everything including clothes, family pictures, etc. For a while she was even out of a job. Then came Rita and just my luck it happened to occur on my birthday. So I got to spend my \"Sweet Sixteen\" inside while it was storming. Though after the storm it was hard to adjust I am just glad I still have my life and I did not loose anyone near and dear to my heart.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/40952.
