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The 17th Street Canal and the New London Ave. Canal are drainage canals, which normally channel rainwater away from the city and into Lake Pontchartrain. During Hurricane Katrina, storm surge from Lake Pontchartrain flowed into the canals, collapsed sections of flood wall along the canals, and flooded the city. \r\n\r\nThis is the pumping station and flood gate at the end of the New London Ave. Canal, adjacent to the campus of the University of New Orleans, and one of several breeched canals during the storm. There is a similar pumping station and gate at the end of the 17th Street Canal. Neither pumping station existed before Hurricane Katrina. In the year immediately after the storm, the Army Corp of Engineers worked day and night for several months to build these stations. Stadium lighting was installed over both sites so that the Corp could continue welding even in the middle of the night. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThis image is part of a series titled Four Years After. To view a pdf version of the entire series, please use the following search term to perform a search within the database: Gentilly-Lakeview. To view all of the individual images, please select this tag: Four Years Later.\r\n


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed March 10, 2025, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/41022.
