1. Here is an example of some of the post-Katrina excitement brought about by the Saints win against the Vikings for a chance to win \"The Big Game.\" There are many little diddys like this, the priest at CCRNO at Rummel High School even wrote a song/prayer for the Saints before the big game.\r\n\r\nIs it expect to have gail force winds are simply a gulf BREES.\r\nShould Miami ring the warning BELL?\r\nWill trees be blown down or just a BUSH?\r\nWhen it makes land fall will people be SHOCKEY?\r\nWe must make a plan to Sharper!\r\nBefore we react we must be thinking MOORE.\r\nWhen Hurricane WHODAT hits it will be GAY.\r\nWhen it\'s all over we will serve up some Fujita\'s\r\nAdd a little Tabasco to make them SPICER.\r\nThey say COLTS whodats say COLSTON!\r\nThe SAINTS will hit them in their NESBIT.\r\nWe\'ll win this thing, feel all warm and HARTLEY!\r\nFor we have followed the SAINTS since we were YOUNG.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/42376.