Lannhi Tong\r\n\r\nLiving in New Orleans people prior to Hurricane Katrina stopped taking hurricanes seriously because many storms throughout the years that were predicted to hit New Orleans, never hit the city. So when Katrina was predicted to hit New Orleans my family and I did not take it seriously. Before Katrina hit life was pretty normal, school had just started for my senior year and my friends and I planned on going dress shopping for an upcoming dance. It was Saturday afternoon and my parents told me to pack a bag for a few days just incase we had to leave. It was not until early Sunday morning when it was a category 5 storm and still intended to impact New Orleans that my family decided to evacuate New Orleans and head to Dallas where we had family. It took us, my entire family, 16 hours to get to Dallas because of the back to back traffic. When we arrived in Dallas we all, stayed at my aunt\'s and watched CNN constantly to find out what was going on in New Orleans. We also could not get into contact with family members that stayed in New Orleans because the service was down. Thankfully they were all safe. We all sat in shock as the levees breached and people were stuck in there homes and at the Convention Center. After finding out the levee by my house and school were breached we knew we could not return home soon so my parents enrolled me at the local high school. I continued to go to high school in Dallas until my school opened its doors in January.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024,