
A house is just a house to many. It is a place of shelter, an escape from the blistering sun, the freezing cold, and the wet rainy days. To others a house can be more than just a hiding place from the weather; it can be a spot that holds many wonderful memories. This one specific house did just that for my family. It is where my dad and his sisters grew up, and it is also where my aunt decided to raise her children. Today this specific model of this house does not stand. It was flooded during Hurricane Katrina, when the levee system in Lakeview failed. For two weeks my family and I watched as the water rose and slowly sunk back down. For two weeks this place of memories sat in water and became a spot where no one would be able to live. Today a new house stands in its spot, and I know new memories will be made here. It was sad to see the old leave, but the new just serves as a beginning to a completely different chapter in my family\'s life.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024,
