When I was younger a hurricane meant I was going to be able to stay home a couple days, sleep in late, maybe hang out with some friends until the bad weather passed..that is until Hurricane Katrina. When I first heard that Katrina was coming I was actually exited..I thought a couple days off school, awesome! The day after we were told to evacuate I quickly realized this was not just a couple days off school. My mother and I evacuated to New Iberia with some family of mine. For me it was more of a vacation because I was younger and got to spend time with some cousins my age I didn\'t see often. This quickly changed when news reports talked about flooding and then reported that the levee had broken. The sight in my mother\'s eyes was unbareable. The next couple weeks were spent waking up to my mom crying every morning and the uneasiness of not knowing if I had a home to go home to. As soon as we got the okay to come home we headed back asap. Thank God our house was not flooded which was completely luckly because we live next to a canal. My mom refused to leave our house again and one of our neighbors had a generator so we stayed for about two weeks before everyone else came back. Hurricane Katrina will forever be in my mind every time I hear the word hurricane and I am very grateful that my home was not flooded and the sights I viewed on the way home are undescribable. The word hurricane will never have the same meaning in my mind.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/43154.
