I just moved to New Orleans three weeks ago from California. I am going to school at University of New Orleans for a one-semester exchange. I have no family or friend ties to Katrina, but I feel obligated to become involved in the re-building of New Orleans. On August 29, I went to the lower ninth ward with some friends to march from that area to a park downtown. The atmosphere of the entire event was heartwarming. I was expecting a sense of hatred toward the government and tears over things lost, but instead I saw sense of family and community. Instead of crying, hundreds of people sang, clapped and danced. As we passed by the many houses with X\'s on them, we joyfully waved to the people inside to come out and join the celebration. Even though the people in the lower ninth ward are still struggling for justice of their community, during the march, no one sulked; we all celebrated the human race. \"I am, because we are\"


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/43194.
