My family and I lived in St. Bernard Parish before Hurrican Katrina. I was two weeks into my freshmen year at Hannan High School when we heard of the hurricane. We were going to stay and ride it out at first but at the last minute we decided to leave. My mother got my grandmother into Methodist Hospital at 7 in the morning that Sunday August 28th and we left right after that. We stayed in Gulf Breeze, Florida because my aunt and her girlfriend live their. Her girlfriend, Betsy, was nice enough to give us her house for however long we needed it. \r\nWe were very worried because we heard that Methodist Hospital was evacuated during the storm and we could not get in touch with anyone that had information about my grandmother. Finally, after 4 long and tough days, we found out she was just 2 hours away in Alabama. We rushed to see her and got her transferred to a retirement center in Gulf Breeze. \r\nWhen the water finally went down in St. Bernard Parish, we learned that our neighborhood had over 13 feet of water and many tornadoes went through there. The first time I saw my ruined house i was devastated. The ceilings had collapsed and it seemed like my life was over. \r\nWe contemplated whether or not we wanted to stay in Florida or go home. My mom was dead set on returning to the parish so we starting the rebuilding process immediately. By October 2006, we were back in our house and starting a new life.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 17, 2024,
