I was not personally affected by any Hurricane, in fact I was far away in California for said disasters. Much like any other disaster, I heard a lot of horror stories through the media, mainly tv news. But after some time, out of sight out of mind. It was a terrible thing that happened, but for those of us not directly affected it didn\'t mean too much. And on top of that most of the media, that I was exposed to, was basically about how the president was not doing his job. Which granted he wasn\'t, but little effort was focused on how the people were affected, and how recovery was going to happen. The media loves a juicy disaster story, but after a couple of months its on to bigger and better things. They love to glorify, and sensationalize what is happening, but shit wasn\'t getting done, and they certainly were not helping. I also like how around this time, one of the only things, before I moved to New Orleans, that I correlated with Hurricane Katrina was that Kanye West stood up on live television and told the world that George Bush didn\'t care about black people. And thats incredibly sad that that is all I think about when trying to remember how I learned about Katrina.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/43250.
