For hurricane Katrina I evacuated to a friends house that lived in Lafayette. Two days after the storm passed I drove back to the deserted westbank (Marrero) to reunite with my father and brother. We stayed in a powerless house for two nights while we cleaned some of the damages that surfaced, and while we figured out where we would evacuate to meet my mother, since there was no point in staying in the city. We safely evacuated to Florida and met up with my mom where we stayed i don\'t know maybe two weeks until we then headed back home. We were back home and everything was actually ok compared to the horrible things that were going on across the river. \r\n\r\nBut this is when the horror hit me...\r\n\r\nAbout a week after we had returned home I had started doing some clean up work with a friend, just on the side of my regular job. We were in River Ridge Louisiana cleaning up a yard full of destroyed landscaping. I got so dehydrated after a long day of work that I quickly chugged a 32oz. gatorade. Well it was too fast and my body refused it and I began to vomit. After I felt that some thing was extremely wrong. i had my friend rush me to West Jeff hospital, well because of limited space do to the hurricane drama at the hospital I was sent to some temporary tents outside where i was hooked to an IV. I was then examined very quickly and told to go home and eat, drink to rehydrate myself. The next day I felt ten times worse and my breathing was getting shorter and shorter. I\'ll never forget when my dad came home and took one glimpse of me and said,\" Oh no!, we have got to get u back to the emergency room\". He said my skin was turning yellow-green, and my eyes were rolling back in my head. Well finally I get back to West jeff and was immediately rushed in the back where the doctors found that I had a collapsed lung... was then given an X-ray to find that I had a perferated esophagus ( a hole in my esophagus). All the fluid that I was told to go home and drink was leaking into my lungs and caused a huge infection... Well after numerous surgeries and about two long months of recovery eating thru a stomach feeding tube, I finally started getting healthy again. I would love to thank my doctors again who put in such an extra, caring time on me during such a rough time for everyone at the time of the Katrina aftermath. I will never forget them.\r\n\r\nI know it\'s long, sorry! Thanks for your time.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nSorry this might be


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024,
