Not having visited New Orleans ever in life, I was still shocked and sad to hear about hurricane Katrina and Rita last year. I feel that reconstruction has been progressing, but not as well as it should. I understand the kinds of suffering the people of New Orleans went through. I positively would volunteer and help out if it was possible for me, but since I don\'t live in New Orleans it wouldn\'t be that practical. I also don\'t know of anyone who was affected by the hurricane or I would definitely lend them a hand in any way possible. I am sure it was a hard time for everyone in New Orleans last year at this time, but since it was a natural disaster, there wasn\'t really anything that anybody could have done to stop it from happening. I feel that sometimes people take things for granted and shelter and well being is one of those things. I look up to those people who were home less due to the hurricane because they managed to get themselves together in this kind of situation.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024,