I was not personally affected by the hurricane, but i realize what a tragedy it was. I wish the U.S. could have helped faster than they did. So many innocent people lost lives, houses, jobs, and so much more. I hope people are recovering to the best of their ability and I hope many are helping others in need. Tragedies like this are bound to happen. We just need to be better prepared for them and many countries should be on their toes waiting to help one another. The more countries that help, the better. I did not like how the media was depicting some of the people on the news. For instance how it was showing white people trying to flee and showing African Americans looting. I do not think i saw one white person looting on the news during the time. If something like this happens again i hope the media does a better job at showing what is really going on. Also i hope that the government can do a better job helping those in need and help with supplies and repairs. I have not witnessed what the victims have gone through and for that i am thankful, but I know it was hell and i hope everyone has recovered. Also the gas prices became high because of the hurricane and that affected me because i was not a big fan of paying over three dollars a gallon for gas. Overall i wish the best of luck to all of those who have been affected by this tragedy.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 20, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/5330.