Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

On Sunday, August 28, my husband, myself and my dog decided to ride out the storm at a French Quarter hotel.\r\n\r\nOn Monday afternoon after the storm was gone, we decided to go outsite to check it out. There were very few damage, broken glass here and there, no street flooding whatsoever. So we dediced to head back home to Old Metairie, When we got closer to Canal Street downtown trying to find a way to get home, that is when we realized of the devastation that have occurred in downtown New Orleans.\r\n\r\nWe drove on the media, and went as far as Claiborne Ave. After that the road was impossible. We decided to go back to our hotel, which we have already checked out thinking that we were going to be able to go home. Fortunalley, the manager of the hotel allowed us to stay overnight and gave us a room closer to the courtyard so we could open the windows, since it was already hot.\r\nAt this time, we did not know anything about the levies\' breaches.\r\n\r\nNext morning after we took our bath, we decided to go to sit in our car turned the A/C and radio on and listened to the news. \r\n\r\nHere, it was when for the first time, we heard about the city being innundated and the mayor and Parish president asking residents to leave the city by the only road open ,the CCC.\r\n\r\nWe right away packed our bags and left as fast as we could, not before seing the masses of people from the quarter heading to the Convention Center.\r\nWe ended up in Baton Rouge, and for the Grace of God were able to find a hotel room that turned into our residence for the next four weeks.\r\nOur home is Old Metaire did not have any damage,\r\nMy husband moved to Detroit where he is teaching at a High School, since Orleans Parish school were closed. My dog and I stayed here. We only see each other during the holidays.


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 17, 2024,
