Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

December 30, 2005\r\n\r\nTo the Editor:\r\n \r\nI was inspired to compile a recap of 2005. It seems difficult to remember prior to August 29, 2005, for that is the day my world changed forever. Katrina took my friends, my home, my possessions, my business, my life from me. Yet thru all the devastation, I found opportunity. Opportunities to make new friends, help build a new home, replace possessions with those worthy of attaining, expand my business to meet various needs, and in the process creating a new life far superior to the old. \r\n\r\nI posted the following synopsis in a forum I frequent. It was suggested that I send it to everyone I could. What better place to start than the editor of our local paper.\r\n\r\n“The year 2005 has proven an awakening for me. I have witnessed over consuming, over indulging, and over zealous return to humbling, basic existence. I learned through courage, defiance, and empathy to forgive, forget, and fortify those around me. The knowledge of the assault regardless of race, social status, or possessions, inspired vivification while attempting to unearth a resemblance of past existence. In retrospect, that life no longer exists nor ever will. It appears empty yet meaningful for it has given an indication of a pathless journey that now exposes the shallow existence endured. Blessed are those who have seen this blinding light, those who have embraced its glory, for those are new leaders, those are awake, those are the quiet that will ring loud. To have survived this heralding experience then allow ancient ways to prevail would prove ignorance to growth. For inside now grows a courage that few can attempt to accost, an overwhelming magnitude for equality, an unstoppable vision that will bring ridicule, insult, and fear before it can inspire, stimulate, and unite. Katrina invaded my being but she created a new foundation that no tempest can devastate. Change is an inevitable part of life but a new South is rising from the fragments that were once my life.”\r\n\r\nIt is my thoughts and feelings about Hurricane Katrina and the rationale she revealed to me. I know others share this revelation but few can comprehend the magnitude of what is to come. Katrina has proven the “Clean Sweep Queen of the Century” for her unbiased ability to bring equality thru destruction will not stop until she reveals the corruption, waste, and neglect of our country, judicially, legally, and morally. \r\n\r\nHurricane Katrina ‘Person of the Year’ for she will reveal for years to come.\r\n\r\n\r\nToni Moran Becker\r\nPass Christian, MS \r\


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 17, 2024,
