Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

I evacuated with my finace, Shawn Duhon, my dad Ken Augenstein, aunt Helen Poulter, Linda Venable, Uncle Keith Venable, Uncle Erwin Poulter and my dad\'s girl friend Patty. We stayed in the town that I was raised in Dry Creek Louisiana. We left Lake Charles not knowing what we would return to. We stayed in one of the old shot gun houses that has the porch running thru the middle of the house. The house belongs to Gerald Hanchey ..he is a friend of my mom\'s. My mom and dad divorced years ago but bc it was an emergency she let my dad and the ex in-laws stay to. It is wonderful how my family forgets the past when we are in need. I felt very safe!\r\n We went with out electricty for several days and my mom and step dad had to cut trees down so we could leave the house to return to Lake Chalres bc so many fell it was impossable for us to leave. Coming back to Lake Charles was amazing. THere was debris everywhere you looked. The town did not even look the same. Luckly our houses were fine. My Aunt linda and Uncle Keiths house had gotten water in it and they have no flood insurance. FEMA did pay us our money. The national gaurd gave us food, ice and water. ALL of which we needed. It was so hot wiht out electricity ...jsut unbarable. We did not get padi from our jobs so the men began cleaning up peoples yards and homes for cash. We eventaully got a generator which was life saver for us. I have three Guinea PIgs and a rabbitt that had evacuated with us alot. THey ran out of food and were eating grass which is fine BUT they got lice from being out side and no vets office was open for a week. THey were misrable. Believe it or not we actully look back on the storm and our family got along so well that it was not really that bad. WE are a good team!


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 18, 2024,
