Katrina was not just any normal hurricane to me. I considered it like my old folks used to say \"The Wind of Change\". Well it had been a while since Katrina, but the memories felt like it just happened sometime yesterday. I still remember having arguments with my mom about if we should evacuate or stay. Those arguments have later become lessons to me since it is because of her, am still alive. Katrina had revealed to me a lot of unique things about myself that I don\'t even know I had it in me. It taught me that I should expect more out of myself and depend less on others. Before the storm come, I was a guy who thinks that without help from my friends and family I wouldn\'t make it though life. I was wrong. Since now having to live without my mom, I have learned to take care of myself financially. I was able find job to support myself since it was easier to get after Katrina. I felt much comfort out of knowing that I can work for my own. I think my mom felt the same way which give me happy feeling inside. But out of all those good things, there always something bad have to happens after. I no longer stay with my mom; we got separated on my returning to Uno. I had to stay with my cousin Duy and she stayed back in Florida for her job. Not only that, I don\'t felt the same with my friends. I realize that my friends had changed. Not just the way they look after Katrina but something in their personality. Although they might have loss some weight but that not the reason which has concerned me. I guess everybody getting a little bit unsecured after what had happen to their home. They speak more plainly and less interest in our conversations. I guess like me, their mind still wander else where to hide the fact that they was shocked about what happened. Hopefully things well get back to normal soon, before the next hurricane come.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 17, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/12078.
