Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

My name is Bobbie Moreau, I had a 5000 sq. home in Nairn, LA going toward Venice. My daughter and I and 4 month old premature baby on heart monitor stayed home for Katrina. I had a generator and we were fine until around 4:00AM Sunday morning. The pressure was so bad in the house, I opened a crack in the living room window. I heard when my generator went down, I went to check it with flashlight I had to go into my office which was like 4 steps down, and I stepped into water. I immediately told my daughter to come help me get the trunk of pictures in the den which is also a step down, and put them up the steps. When we went into the den, I had marble tile half way up the wall and the water was pouring through the grout, there was about 4\" on the floor. She took the baby upstairs and I had 2 dogs in the utility room, I went to get them and the cat. I got the animals upstairs and the cat ran back down, I went to get her and the carpet downstairs had hugh rolls, I could not even walk. I got the cat and my daughter screamed from upstairs to get the pistol, she said, \"We don\'t know what we are facing,\" that is the only thing I had time to get, we had no shoes on, just shorts and t-shirt. By the time I got upstairs, I looked back down and the water was half way up the stairs, I seem my living room furniture floating. I shut the door upstairs, I guess thinking I could shut the water out, from then it was a nightmare. I held the baby at the foot of the bed fanning her, the pressure was awful, we thought the windows were going to pop. We got on our knees and prayed and begged God to save us. Then I felt the water under me on the second floor, by then daylight was breaking, I got up and walked to the window and the water was right under the window. My legs felt like jello, I staggered, my daughter screamed, \"Mama what is wrong\", I knew at that moment we were going to die. And in and instant survival kicked in, I tore the canopy off the top of the bed, and began tying knots in it, I knew we needed something to hold on to each other with, then I grabbed a belt and tied the baby in a life jacket, she was so small. Then I told my daughter to fix bolltle of milk fast, she was using powered formular. It was hot, but I grabbed a big blanket for the baby, by then the water was half way up the bed, we craweled out out the window onto the roof, it is a metal roof and was real slippery. She climbed through the window and I handed her the baby, then I put 3 dogs through the window and myself with only diaper bag and baby blanket. We straddled the peak of the roof, the eye of the hurricane was on us, i seen a boat with just the bow sticking out at my neighbors, I thought the hurricane was over with, but it wasn\'t. I told my daughter, you will have to swim and get a boat, I am too weak, she said, \"Mama I am scared\" there was dead animals floating by, snakes, debris, oil. I told her, \"We will die if you don\'t\", she handed me the baby and slipped into the water. The boat I seen she could not do anything with, then I lost sight of her and called and called because the wind was picking up and then I knew it was the eye, nothing but silence. I thought she had drown, I was crying and praying and then I heard an outboard motor start up, and I knew she was alive. I could hear her fighting with the boat, the motor start and then stop, and finally she came from the back of the house with a aluminum jo-boat with a cabin and two motors. Where she pulled the boat, the power lines to the house was between us, the wind was hard by then, I had to drop the baby through the power lines to her and the dogs and then myself. When we were all on the boat, she told me the trailer was still hooked on the boat, so I grabbed a piece of pipe and tried to unloosen the metal clip, to no avail, and then she handed me a pair of baby sizzors out to the diaper bad and I cut the nylon band below the clip, still don\'t know how I did that. By the the wind was so hard, we could not control the boat with the motors, it blew us almost into the Miss. River levee and we came to a stop in the top of some little trees. We huddled under the steering wheel with the baby because a window was broke out of the cabin. We stayed there for about 6-7 hours, in someone told me 200mph gut, the wind would almost turn the boat over and we sang and prayed and God saved us. Finally when the winds calm maybe to 60 mph, I was able to stand up and see where we were, the debris had us jammed in, so I started the motors, raised them up so the wheel wash would push the debris and then I got the boat turned around, told my daughter to hold on to the baby, I opened up the motors and jumped over the debris so we could get to a clearing. It was so weird, felt like we were the only people left in the world, everything covered by water. I did not know what to do, I could tell it was getting late in the afternoon, and I knew we could not spend the night with the mosquitoes with the baby, I seen a radio in the cabin, I picked up receiver and just started calling on different channels. Finally this man came on and said he could hear me, that he was tied up in the Empire Canal, he said he could not help us, he said, \"Everything is gone\", I begged him to stay in contact, he told me to stay on that channel and keep calling that was the coast guard channel.. I did, and then this voice came back over the radio, \"This is the United States Coast Guard, what is your location\"? Wasn\'t long they were above us, they picked us up along with the dogs in the baskets, that was scarry. They ask me where we wanted to go, I told them to West Jefferson Hospital to get the baby checked out. He said we were still in hurricane force winds. They dropped us off at the hospital, barefooted, no purse, no money, no shoes, my dauther went in with the baby, I sat on the curb crying holding my dogs, and a nice lady came by and ask if I wanted to put the dogs in her grandmothers yard across the exprressway, she helped me carry them. I walked back to the hospital and the guard would not let me in, I had to wait until he wasn\'t looking and sneak by, my daughter was sitting there waiting on me. The hospital told me they were taking us to a shelter. It was dark by then, they brought us to a shelter with no electricity, no drinking water or water for toilets. There was over 100 people in one room. The heat was incredible, could not go outside with the baby for mosquitoes. We fanned her all night, the next morning I ask a National Guardsman, if they were going to move us, he said we would be there another week. My daughter said, \"I am not going to let my baby die, we are going to walk out of here and get help. We tried to walk out and they said we could not leave, the Jefferson Police said we would be arrested, I said, \"Do what you want to do, I have nothing left anyway\", they were screaming in our face, at that time a riot broke out with those people and we just kept walking. We went to a house where people were unloading furniture, and I ask the lady if she could give us a ride, she said no, I ask if we could come in and cool the baby off, she was breathing funny, she said no, so we kept walking, did not really know where we were. A truck drove by and we ask the man if he would give us a ride, we were dirty, barefooted and crying. He gave us a ride to Westwego, I had a friend there, but he was evacuated. I broke into his house, cooled the baby off, we took a shower and ate can food, he had left his truck in the driveway and the keys were on the bar, he had some quarters in a drawer, so I took them and went to a pay phone and called my nephew in Arkansas, he was crying said he had come down to see about us and could not get into New Orleans, I did not know at that time that New Orleans was flooding. My nephew told me if we could get out of New Orleans he could get us. My friends truck had no gas in it, and there was no where to buy gas, so I siffened gas out of his boat 2 gallons at a time and put into his truck. I left him a letter with my nephew\'s phone number, and the only clothes he had that would fit us was boxer shorts and t-shirt, so that is what we left in, I went and got the dogs out of that yard and we went across the Sunshine bridge, got to Praireville and my nephew picked us up. We had a hard time since then, but we made it. My phone number is 504 382-0837 cell, 870 483-0000 home, 504 392-1830 office


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 23, 2024,
