Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

The hurricane was terrible , I was told very urgently that we needed to leave and I was supposed to get all my essential things like clothes and pictures. We hurried out of the house and headed toward Huntsville, Texas but soon caught a swarm of evacuees stuck in the same situation. Though we had to leave quickly we definately should have taken a different route because all in all we spent close to 23 hours in the car praying we didnt run out of gas. We had the windows rolled down and we turned off the air conditioner to save energy. We arrived in Huntsville exhausted early the next morning. We spent the rest of our time wasting away at a house waiting for the storm to pass through and the ok for us to re enter our town.


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 18, 2024,
