Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

My story is not very interesting, My family and I were a very lucky \"Few\", who survived Hurricane Rita without any damage to our home or our property. We evacuated for 10 hours trying to get on our way to our destination. The traffic was horrible. The cops closed down roads and shortcuts that we were suppose to take, the road we were on went on for miles and miles. It was the most craziest thing, I have ever went through. My family got tired of waiting in lines, we had no food or drinks. The bathroom was where ever we stopped moving. We ended up taking a shortcut, but we ran from the cops to do so. We went to my Stepmom\'s, mom\'s friends house in ( Well the town was so unknown I totally forget the name of it ) But we stayed there through out the whole Hurricane. It was really hott and very miserable. After the Hurricane I think was the worst time, going home and seeing everyone\'s homes. Then seeing mine still sittting good as new. I felt really privelaged but also sorry for everyone else.


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 18, 2024,
