Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

My family had ben panicking about us having to evacuate,and i wasn\'t all that scared cause i didn\'t think it\'d hit so i went to bed that night and at 6:00 AM my mom came in and threw my door opena and i thought i was introuble for talking on the phone late that night, but she said the hurricanea is coming here so i was like shoot! so i packed all the things i \"needed\" like my clothes,my favorite shoes,my pictures and scrap book my picture frames and all my things that had centemential value so i threw it all in 2 big bags and we headed for a church in lousianna but it had plumming problems so we went to many lousianna to our church and their was alot of people that live in vidor that were up their that go to my church so i knew most of the people so we stayed their thursday night and then i called my friend and her and her WHOLE family which was huge came and stayed up their and it hit saturday night and so i was staying in a portable building outside of the church that was small and had no windows so i heard my dad and my uncle come in and they were trying to get people out of the building but me adn my friend were sleeping in a closet so i woke up my friend caseu the building was shaking and i thought their was a train outside..that\'s what it sounded like so wes woke up and we were feeling around for the door but we couldn\'t find it and we started freakin out so finally we found the door adn we got out and so we had to kinda of walk outside cause it was a little covered walk way and we went inside and everyone was sitting their and i was kinda of scared so we went about 2-3 days withouth electricity and our church Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint (mormons) gave us tons of food and we had plenty of food for everyone. Infact we had so much we eve got to take some home. And so we went home and we went back to early so their was no electricity and i couldn\'t take it so i went to my uncle\'s house in houston and stayed their for a week came home on the weekend adn then the next week and we had a bucnh of fun. It was a horrible experience though.


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 22, 2024,
