Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

Me and my family was in hurricane rita..... me and my mom and her bf\'s family left thursday .we\'ll we drove and drove untill we got to arkansas. we stayed there for like a week i think then we left to go back and and see what all damage we had to our town and also our home, we didnt have any damage to our home but we did to our town it was after that we stayed at home for like 2 days with no electricity, then we desided to leave again with some friends and go to mount plaesant texas..... which i really liked it up there i didnt want to come home... but school started back and i couldnt miss school so we came back .... i made alot of friends over the hurricane ...... anyways hurricane season is coming soon and im out of here... well thats my story


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 21, 2024,
