Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

On Semptember we were informed that Hurrican Rita was going to hit our home town Vidor, TX. We left 2 days before the hurricane hit which was on a Thurseday. Me and my family went to Dallas. It took us 13 hrs when it usually only takes 6. Traffic was horrible. I stayed in Dallas for almost nearly a month. Early Saturday Morning Rita hit. I remember watching the news and wondering what was happening at that moment. Whether or not my house was still there, or my friends houses were still there. I realized though that it wasnt my house or belongings that were important to me. It was the safety of my friends and family. When the storm was over about a week later my mom and dad went to Vidor to check all the damage and I stayed in Dallas with my cousins. My house was still standing. However, we did have roof damage and water damage. My parents returned to Dallas and showed us the ruin. However, it didnt affect me all i cared about was getting to see familar faces oncer more. Two weeks later we finally returned home. Going through town was crazy. Vidor wasn\'t Vidor anymore. It took about a month before our town finally returned back to a little normal. It is now April, 7 months after the hurrican. We just now got our roof done and we still are repairing are walls..........


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 22, 2024,
