Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

To start things off bad, my mom waited to the last minute to tell me and my little brother that we will be evacuating, rather than waiting it out. I believe we left out Friday morning and I took my truck and my mom was in her explorer. Our plan was to go straight to Killeen TX, But little did we know that a 4 hour trip would take us 28 hours.While being stuck on the road alot of things happened. My truck died and we had to leave it on the side of the road( which got smashed by a pine tree) so i had to git in my moms truck with her. When Traffic finally started to clear up a little bit and we were able to get up to 35 mph ( if that) then the 3 dogs that were in a pin on top of the explorer got hurt when the roaps holding the pin down snapped and the dogs fell off. one of them was bleeding pretty bad.When we finally got to killeen We had to get gas and When we pulled in into a gas station there were people fightin over who got gas first, it actually was pretty sickening. So while we waiting it out at my cousins house we partied a little bit, but it just wast fun at all knowing that all of our stuff left at the house could be getting washed away right at that moment. Well,...the hurricane passed and we went home. But unfortunately when we got their Our door had been kicked in, water damage had gotten all on the inside. Waht happened was someone came in and looded our house. They stole our X-Boxes,guitars,radios,amps,computers,dvd players,movies,jewelry and pretty much anything else they seen of any value. It was pretty hard to believe that someone would actually do this to another person in such a time as this one was! but eventually we had to find another place to live, but we still never got our stolen stuff back.


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 22, 2024,
