Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

Hello my name is Mallorie I was involved in hurricane Rita.So the week of the hurrican the school wasn\'t gonna let us out of school cause they thought that it was just going to pass on by us but it didn\'t. And my mom was scared and every body was scared and so we left the wensday that we got out and we left at 3:00 in the morning so we could beat the traffic. And we ended up going to Marion, Arkansas so we could see our dad cause he was up there working and we thought that we would only be gone for a couple of days so we hardly brought anything we didn\'t bring anything valuable because we really didn\'t think that it would be that bad either. we were there for about 3 weeks and about a week and a half my grandma, papa, and aunt, and 2 cousins and one of my cousins had just had her baby the week before the hurrican.well they came to the hotels were we were staying cause they went some where in louisanna and they got hit by the hurrican cause it turned and they had no electricity. But it was a very interesting event! but i was excited when they came up there and stayed with us because it was very boring. So we came back like 3 weeks after the whole thing and we ended up with luck some how cause nothing really happened to our house and we had electricity and water when we got home and my other aunt, and nannie, and papa, and cousins stayed with us for a couple of weeks cause there houses were all mess up so we had a full house. and thats about all that happened with my experience.


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 23, 2024,
