Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

I remember like it was yesterday. I was a victim of Hurricaane Rita. The newsmen were following it for a week, and They kept saying my hometown, Vidor, was going to be ok, and that we had nothing to worry about, it was headed toward Houston. \r\nWell, On September 21, 2005, I was sitting in my fourth period, Spanish class, when the principal of our school, got on the intercom system, and told us that the news, that Rita was headed right for us. Also that school was called off for that Thursday, and Friday, and if everything was \"not that bad\", that school would resume that monday. A sudden shock hit my heart like a spear. I was so scared, I kept thinking things like, Well what if It gets so bad I\'ll have to relocate?, and What if I relocate with my dad, I\'ll might never get to see my mother, or my brother again. My brother called me that evening and was so scared, He attends college in New Mexico. While we were talking, I started crying, He was asking me were me and mom was going. I told him I was going Jasper, Texas, with our father, to be with my grandmother. Mom was going to Zavilla to her cousin\'s house. I told him I loved him, and to be getting himself and all his friends to pray for me and the rest of Southeast Texas., for a terrible \"beast\" was headed our way. After I got off the phone with him, I went to Mings restaurant, with my cousin. We were talking, about each others plans. He decided to stay at home to protect his home from looters and such. When I got home, I called my dad and told him I was going with him. That next day, I went to dads and , we headed out, for Jasper. A normal hour and 15 minute drive took us seven hours. Anyways, to the storm..... I geuss it started around 10:00 pm, the night of the 23rd. I was asleep untill around midnight, when A tree hit the roof, of the house. It was like a gun shot went off inside the house. It was so scary, the wind sounded like a herd of ghost, riding horses. That next morning I went outside, and It look like an atomic bomb went off. About three days later, I went home to my mother, My place looked worse than where I was at first. There was no electricity, and We had to go to town to get food from some volenteers from some Salvation Army branch in California, and some church in Florida (if ya\'ll are reading this....... Thank you.) About a week after getting home, Me and mom was getting tired of no electricity , so we decided to go to New Mexico, to see my brother. I was so happy to be able to see him, I was so scared I\'d never see him again. I gave him the biggest hug I\'d ever given him before. We stayed there for a few days, just long enough to get help from the red cross. This storm has effected me in a lot of ways, it has me tougher both mentally and emoitionaly.


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 24, 2024,
